On September 13th, a group students of the Radulphus College in Curacao, learned about Open Source. The IT-teacher Mrs. Greijmans gave 2 groups of 2 students an assignment to find out ‘what else is out there’ and one group was quite pleased with Open Source, the other group was not so happy and wanted to forbid all Free Software. On September 13th, the group in favor of Open Source gave a ‘powerpoint’ presentation, the other group didn’t, unfortunately. Ace Suares, a local Open Source and Free Software advocate, was invited to comment on the presentation and give a little presentation of his own. The students called this event ‘an eye-opener’.

Students of Radulphus college. In the middle, in the pink shirt, Leomar, and to his left, on the last row, with a big smile, Diego. Leomar and Diego presented a positive and very well researched view of Free Software and Open Source. They really had a good understanding of the development model and the community.